The cold and the rainy days have definitely proved challenging, but we are excited to see the continued progress! All of the framing-out on the interior is now completed for the new other bathroom, addition to the kitchen, banquetseating area and new kitchen flooring. The beautiful French doors are in and we are excited to finish the build-out of the deck with ramps. The big project in the next few days will be to install the huge 12-foot 6x6 posts and beams in order to completely support the roof as we have taken out all the inside walls.
I know many of you wonder what is going on, but I promise, the inside
looks awesome!! The exterior paint is soon to will have a face lift!
Many thanks to the very efficient and resourceful help from Thad, Bradford, Chad, my dad, Adam and my sweet friend Caron. You guys are wonderful! Even, Bear, our little labrador helper who traveled from Decatur, has been a source of encouragement.
This is fantastic! Congratulations on all the hard work you are doing. I love this house and can't wait to see the finished look and taste the food!